
a ship with no sails


07-27-2013, 03:48 PM


Her words didn't seem to do much by way of putting the male at rest. But that was just fine, the cat liked watching mutt in this half distressed state. He was rather cute. She liked him, that is, she liked to watch him dance - for Silverback, that was as partial as she got. He delivered a name Bane; rather ominous sounding for so unsteady a creature. It bright the light of humorous to those many-faceted eyes of hers. The snow leopard remained standing still, just watching the dog and twitching her long, sweeping tail every so often. He'd asked for her name, but even as she began to open her mouth she paused.

No one had ever asked for her name before.

The only ones who'd ever needed to use it were her family, and they already knew it from her birth. It was... strange. But Silverback's hesitation was momentary. her grey-white muzzle lifted slightly. Her arch raised proudly and she stepped a massive paw forward to rest light as air on the snow. "I am Silverback," she said quietly. The cat was showing off, letting her feline figure gleam in the cold shreds of light that sifted down through the storm clouds. Vanity and Pride are not sins in a cat's book. They are merely facts of life. Silverback was a magnificent creature and she knew it. She didn't act like she did solely for the point of inspiring jealousy or adoration - but then again, she didn't have to.

But the dog's words about her kind, once more gave her pause. She listened to Bane's statement about seeing a cat's terrific leap. How amusing that something something so commonplace to her had created a marvelous lifelong memory in a creature of another species. But 'amusement' did not describe her features when the male went on. Once more the word 'lost' tolled out. A death bell. Silverback's ears drooped ever so slightly. Her snake-like eyes lowered to the snow. "Eruption..." she muttered quietly to herself. She knew nothing of things that had gone in the world beyond her mountain range, but it sounded terrible enough. She sighed, letting the exhale draw the vapors of regret of her being. "Well it was probably then that they were wiped out from that part of the world." She glanced away, back towards the cliffsides and the blue-black ocean churning slowly beyond. "I confess I begin to fear that I am the last of my race."

She didn't know why she told him that. Why she let him in upon such a secret that she had been holding in her heart. Was she that starved for companionship that she could blurt out things to a total stranger? Or was it something about this male in particular that made her think he could be trusted?
