
Foolish as a child

Open to any two Ashen's



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-05-2019, 03:18 AM
The woman's exploration had gone awry. During her search of the strange structure, she'd slipped while crossing a pile of rubble. Her right foreleg had been trapped between two chunks of rock and had twisted unnaturally. Pain had seared through her leg and she found herself temporarily incapacitated. After a short rest and an assessment of the injury, she decided that it was just badly sprained and was quite thankful for that.

It took a long time to limp back to where the Ashen Armada lay in wait. She couldn't put much weight upon the limb and, by the time she reached the Sand River, her limb was swollen. Her pace slowed and she had to take many breaks. It was during one of these breaks that she caught sight of Deathbelle running by in a panic. Eyes widened and instantly Io was on her feet. She rushed after the woman as quickly as possible.

Coming upon the scene, Iolaire grimaced. She padded forward and sat beside Sirius, her own injured limb lifted to keep pressure off of it. "What on earth did you do, Big Guy?" From where she sat, she inspected the broken leg. The break was nasty. It would have to be set, cleaned, bandaged and splinted. Looking to Deathbelle, she spoke. "We can do this together though i may not be much help physically. Everything in my pack is at your disposal." She shrugged out of the leather bag and lay it between them. "The front pocket is for healing." She needed to clarify. It wouldn't do to poison the man.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.