
lay me down on a bed of roses



07-27-2013, 04:06 PM

Something had gone wrong. The man was sitting out in the pasture, watching the bulls graze, and enjoying the drizzle when Gerhardt's voice broke his peace. He sounded very distressed, and Themisto knew something had gone wrong. A call had been summoned for him from the battlefield, and the man did not attended, though now he wished he would have. He rose from where he was sitting and without hesitation took off toward his alpha's call. He could only image what had happened, but obviously the man still had his life if he was back in Seracia and calling a pack meeting. Though the man couldn't help but wonder if this had to do with something else as well...

When he came onto the scene other wolves had already gathered around Gerhardt, many of them he didn't know, but they all smelt of Seracia so he assumed they were pack members. He made his way through the crowd, dodging every potential bump he could have into someone, and finally made it to the front of the crowd. He needed to see if his king was hurt. When he came into view, he looked... different to say the least. He had wounds that would needed to be tended too, but he didn't want to interrupt the meeting. His eyes trailed to the mound of dirt next to him. It reminded him of a grave, the way the dirt looked soft and turned, and how it seemed to pile up in one area. What had happened?

Italian Accent Speech