nefarious dreams
A cake like mix of ash and water lined the tunnel. Thorns were wrapped in the tar like substance that was Banshee's existence. The babe had been working on her father's new pack lands when the eruption took place and she didn't know to stay or leave. Thus, the yearling stood her ground. Little did she know the volcanic eruption would cause massive waves to overcome the region she was in and moisten the gambit as ash came from the sky. As this slowly happened the female foraged for berries and lapped at any sort of water she could but for days on end her life had been taken a hold of by the briar. Her fur clung to her skin as she laid beneath the mess of thorns. There were glimpses of sky light through the woven fortress over head but she had no way of climbing out. Banshee was within the deeper portion of the briar where she had been working on a clearing for the pack. Thankfully she had some food but it was going to run out within a day or two. Belly rumbles rang through her ears and the pains were getting to be a lot to handle. Solemnly the Klein babe raised her head to let forth a raspy howl. Perhaps someone was close or her father was looking for her. He's probably with his other children. The angsty thoughts battered at her swollen heart as a single salty tear slid from her beaming blue eye. The girl had been through a lot and things were finally looking bright. Banshee never thought she'd end up dead beneath a pile of ashen thorns.
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