
lay me down on a bed of roses


07-27-2013, 04:11 PM
I realize I didn't give a deadline for this first round, so I won't punish any of you for arriving late/whatnot. I am leaving for a short vacation this coming Thursday, so this meeting will be moving fast to get things over and done with. You may not have to post in this second round depending on how your wolf will react to the news/etc. Basically, if your wolf is already present and doesn't feel the need to comment or anything, your pretty much good to go. However, if your wolf is not present in the meeting yet, you'll need to bring them in during this next round or they will be punished for not attending. This round will be the final round unless your wolf wishes to have further conversation with anyone present at the meeting.

He had hoped that they would come, but some demon in his mind had chided at him that they wouldn't. Why should they come to the voice of a murderer? Then again, they didn't all know he was a murderer just yet.. though they soon would. He watched, vision sweeping to spot them as they came. Loccian arrived first, as loyal as ever. The faintest of smiles twitched in the corner of his lips. She uttered his name and he offered only a dip of his head accompanied by a wince of pain in doing so. I am alright, all will be explained soon enough. He didn't feel like telling such a morose tale twice, and so he hastened to quell her nerves before watching his son arrive on the scene. Calm yourself, Maverick. It would perhaps be the last command he would give his son as King. Though he would always have a semblance of authority over the boy, there was no mistaking the power Maverick was about to be handed. It was a command given with the upmost respect and affection, but one he would insist his son listen to. The boy needed to keep his wits about him. More wolves arrived, Tahlia, then Epiphron who instantly glued herself to Maverick. The faint smile twitched on Gerhardt's lips once more at the sight of the two of them. Bane came, then Cynrik who looked positively shaken by the King's appearance. Gerhardt gave a nod of his head in answer to Cynrik's words, accompanied by a wince. I will be attended to in due time, but explanations need to come first. Aeil then came, followed by Bronze - who kept his distance. Gerhardt didn't blame him for the added space.

When the time came that the King could not wait any longer, he parted his jaws to speak. For those of you who remain unaware, a challenge rang out by our former Queen: Adette. She wished to take Seracia, but upon further deliberation, decided to challenge for possession of me. I knew she wasn't in her right mind, but I couldn't let the challenge go unanswered, and so we fought. When it became clear that I had arisen the victor, Adette goaded me - asking me to take her life. I struggled with the decision, but found myself draining the life from her. It is she that lays in this grave today, and it is she that has led me to make some major changes to this Kingdom. Eyes drifted to Maverick, who appeared to have followed his previous instructions and gathered himself. My son has been Prince of these lands since his first birthday. It is time that Seracia saw new vitality and sensibility of the mind from its King, and so I hereby relinquish my rights as King of Seracia, and hand my position to Maverick as your new King. I will be taking a leave of absence from Seracia while I gather my thoughts, but when I return I will gladly accept any position he sees fit to bestow upon me. The King rocked back onto his haunches, allowing the rain to fall over his coat and slowly wash his and Adette's blood from his coat. He would say no more unless addressed.

speech speech speech