
lay me down on a bed of roses


07-27-2013, 04:12 PM

Thoughts flooded into his head, each as unlikely as the others. His father seemed to have been the culprit in this wolf?s death, but who could it have been that he would have chosen to bury them within the Kingdom? He supposed it could be someone related to them.. perhaps it was Themisto? Though it was unlikely for Gerhardt to ever harm the Seracian healer. However, he wasn?t present at the meeting thus far, so he was still a possibility. Perhaps he had gotten cocky? Tried to take Seracia from his own kin? Surely not, he had seemed so friendly and positive. No, that simply couldn?t be. Perhaps he was just on his way. But who, then? The grave seemed to be large, so it had to be a fully-grown wolf ? and one that his father was close to. Their mother, perhaps? Surely not her, though. She was being harbored in Valhalla last he?d heard. Why would she try and challenge Gerhardt? She didn?t even have her memory! He shook his head, trying to rid himself of these thoughts. All would be explained in due time.

Gerhardt implored him to be calm and patient, and the prince did just that. His jaws fell shut ? having previously been agape ? and remained so until such time came when he could interject. Wolves came in droves, though not nearly as many were present as he?d expected to be. Was Seracia dwindling right under their paws? No, the Kingdom was as strong as ever ? of this he was sure. Gerhardt began earlier than Maverick had expected. Less than half of their comrades were present, but he supposed his father had good reason. Besides, he didn?t mind an early explanation ? the uncertainty of it all was killing him. Gerhardt explained the challenge was given by Adette, and went on to tell them the tale of how they had fought, and Adette had died. She?d asked for death, and Gerhardt had granted her wish. The Prince wasn?t sure how he felt about that. Just because she?d asked for it didn?t mean it ought to be given, right? Surely some sense could have been talked into her thick skull.

Then it came, the announcement he?d known about ? but had not foreseen. A meek gasp slipped from his lips as his father handed him the crown of Seracia. For the first time he stood before his Kingdom as their monarch. He cleared his throat, muttering a quick "I accept," as a confirmation. He continued, "and name Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias as your new Queen." Eyes drifted lovingly to his wife, a flurry of emotions bubbling and frothing in his chest. There was so much to do, so much to say, and he didn?t know where to begin. "I will grant you your leave of absence, father, and when it is over you shall return as an Ambassador of the Kingdom. This new rank will be bestowed to trusted, loyal members of Seracia. Ambassadors will aide the King and Queen in decisions pertaining to the Kingdom, as well as be diplomats to the other packs in Alacritia. Alongside my father, I name Loccian an Ambassador as well." Lime eyes swept to the woman briefly, trying to gauge her reaction. "Along those same lines, I appoint my sister as the Princess of Seracia until such time as a child of mine is chosen as heir. " It would be then that he realized his own sister was not yet present for this meeting. What was keeping her?

"My wife and I will discuss other rank changes in the future, and will let those affected know about the changes as promptly as we can.? His eyes twisted to Epiphron, a smile breaking across his face. "In efforts to boost the mood of this meeting, I have news of two litters that will be born in Seracia next season. The first, I expect, will come from Bronze and Silent. The second, from myself and Epiphron. With the first royal litter on it?s way, I will bring forth a second new rank, that of Progeny ? which will be bestowed upon any of royal birth." Perhaps it was a bit haughty to give his children their own rank, but it was high time that respect be given to those born with it. He turned his gaze upon them, head and tail rising to a level that mirrored his father?s when he?d been King. The rain slowed to a gentle drizzle, but still flowed down his fur in great rivulets. "Now, are there any comments, questions, or concerns?" It was time to hear from the subjects.
