
of sinners and saints


07-27-2013, 04:19 PM


One way in, one way out. Or so went what the wolves told themselves of this mountain pass. Wolves. What did they know? At the moment, Silverback found herself standing quietly comfortably on the sheer side of a cliff face. She was practically upside down. Her stocky forelegs were perched a yard or so lower than her curled hind legs - her elongated tail was strung out above her. She kept her chin level with the ground far below, but if she had just hung her head, she would've been a near straight line down to the ground. It was a bizarre sight to any other creature, but it was regular enough to a snow leopard. She'd found herself in stranger positions. Today, she merely wished to watch the sunrise, and she had judged the perfect spot to do so from. The narrow path that the wolves used as a mountain trail was a four stories below her - in truth, not that far for her standards. It was the perfect ambush set up, but she wasn't here to hunt, nor to terrorize mutts. She was here looking for others of her kind.

A sigh escaped the silver maw of the dappled siren. It was a search that had already taken her over much ground. She'd seen the icy fringe of the world and northern ocean beyond, she'd seen geiysers, she'd seen palace like caverns, and now she'd seen an entirely new mountain range. And still nothing. No other leopards, no cats period.


Snowleopards are solitary creatures, and Silverback had always been the independent, self-reliant sort. And yet? She found herself ready shiver at the thought of being the last leopard. 'Alone'. She didn't want to be 'alone'. Not this morning.
