
Primal Klein



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
11-13-2019, 06:43 PM
OOC Name:Lolaf
Character Name: Diana Artemis Klein
Gender: Female
Design: 2 (or 4)
Appearance: Diana's form doesn't belie her ferocity. She stands an average, if not a bit smaller, 28 inches tall. She is hardly a goliath nor a tiny flower, in fact, she is perfectly average. There isn't anything remarkable about her build, she's got just enough muscle and fat to look balanced but otherwise, she isn't particularly imposing or delicate looking.

Diana's averageness doesn't extend to her pelt, however. She is draped in dynamic slate tones, grey highlight and shadows play across her form, the darker colors mostly markings her paws and down her form from her spin while the highlights are flecked all along her form. An even lighter color marks the ends of her fur running the length of her spine. But more than that she had splotches all over her bodice as if she had been splattered in white paint.

Brilliant cobalt eyes tie her whole look together.

Personality: Diana is a dark, powerful sorceress and she wields her power with wild abandon and grace. Diana believes she can summon the aid of the spirits, specifically ones she had a hand in killing, at least for a time after they died. As such she is a dedicated warrior and hunter, as even the smallest prey animal can lend her their strength in battle. While she is hardly unhinged and not all together bloodthirsty, she isn't exactly against getting her paws dirty and will take the opportunity where she can to fight.

When she's not "at work" she is a darkly playful wolf. She doesn't try to hide her beliefs and in fact, is rather open about sharing them and trying to bring others into it. With her family, she is a rambunctious wolf, eager to play and prove herself. With strangers she is darkly flirtatious, she doesn't seem to perceive many common boundaries. She is insatiable in her desire and deeply craves attention from others. This can mean she easily becomes jealous and protective of those she considers close... and gods help anyone who she deems has wronged her in any way.

Height/Build: 28"/ Medium
Skills: Fighting, Hunting
Plots/Ideas: Thinking Diana might lean into primal spirit magic more than anything else.  Probably aggressively gay, maybe aggressively bi, definitely into women regardless.

[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.