



11 Years
Athena I
07-27-2013, 05:51 PM

Ivory fur blended in with the snow surrounding the white fea as she padded along the edge of the frozen lake. Despite the fact that it was spring this place still hid under a blanket of ice. Her violet eyes peered out at the world around her, examining the pillars of ice that rose toward the sky from the lake's surface. Her naturally thick coat protected her from the chill of the north. She had never been as grateful to have this fur as she had been the past couple months since she had made her home in the northern region of Alacritis. It had become a great asset for her, especially on days like today that she needed to get away from the pack lands for a moment. The assassin had a lot on her mind and she didn't need her pack mates to be prying into her life.

Her paws left tracks in her wake as she moved across the show, slowly making a circle around the lake. Suddenly the silence of the day was broken a thump against the ground and a curse echoing through the air. With a curious raised brow she turned her head to see a wolf laying in a pile of snow. Shortly the wolf hopped up again and hit the ground running. Alena's eyes widened with shock as she watched the earthen-hued wolf running straight out toward the icy lake. Alena slowed to a stop and could only stand back and watch as the wolf apparently ran blindly at the ice, soon slipping and going sprawling across the lake. The snow-colored fea didn't know what to do. What would possess a wolf to do such a thing? She decided to at least go see if the wolf needed some assistance.

The Amenti slowly padded out across the lake, her paws careful so not to slip on the ice. She glanced down to see the ice glowing dimly under paw with each step. She had heard of the lakes ability to do this, but she had never seen it with her own eyes. She gave a soft chuckle and lifted her Amethyst gaze back to the wolf in question. Upon further inspection of their scent she noticed it was a fea and had no apparent scent of a pack on her. Alena stopped a few feet away from the fea, not wanting to approach her till she could find out if she was friendly or not. "Are you alright?"
