
life is way too short to take it slow




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-09-2019, 08:38 AM
This whole situation was incredibly intriguing. A little bit of guilt sat on the back burner, but she could ignore it. The guilt was due to Sirius' feelings about the woman beside her. He had Zee, however. And she had promised to try and help Deathbelle. She was preeeetty sure that this was going to help her. At least for a little while the woman would forget and live in the moment.

Iolaire followed the other lady into the system of caves. She stuck close, keeping pace as they moved through the tunnels and into what Io could only call the perfect cavern. It stopped her in her tracks. She took a moment to appreciate the scenery. Moonlight shone down upon them both through a natural window. Water babbled into a little pool which thinned out into a stream. The ground looked soft and smooth. It was exactly what the pair needed. It was the perfect place to practice her other craft.

Deathbelle spoke and Iolaire's chest rumbled in a low chuckle. She grinned. "No need to be nervous. I'll be close enough to hear your heart soon anyway." Gently, she prompted the monochromatic woman into the center of the cavern, their bodies already close. More soft tones met black ears and they both flicked forward to catch the tones. Gentle? Iolaire caught the underlying implication. Green and gold eyes went serious for a moment as they stared into lavender pools. "I will. Tonight I'll be whatever you need me to be."

Iolaire helped to lower the larger fae to the red earth below. She resumed her former task, teeth and tongue grooming the woman to return her to a sense of serene calmness. Once she reached the lower portions of the woman's body... she didn't stop. She worked her magic with a deft skill unmatched by any. Iolaire took great pride in her skill of lovemaking and she pulled out every stop for the Empress beneath her.

-Fade to black and things-
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.