
Crafty, Crafty



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
11-10-2019, 11:39 AM

That same smile lingered for a long while, looking as though it might never fade. But it finally did as she settled in next to her, her attention shifting to the bundle and its contents. Valdis had always been much craftier than her and she wondered if it wouldn't do her good to spend some time learning what she knew, or at the very least sitting and observing. "Of course," she answered with ease. Briefly her mind went back to a conversation they'd had a few seasons back, about her faith and Valdis wanting to encourage her to practice it and share it more often. It was hard to shake the feeling that such a thing was fruitless without her siblings around, but she fought back those thoughts and decided against sharing them. Focusing on Legion, on Valdis's interest as well as her own seemed as profitable as any other pursuits right now. She couldn't spend the rest of her life waiting for a sign, after all - this was her home, and her life, and she was beginning to realize she was quite content with that.

It was easy to remember just how content she was with it all when Valdis admitted she had a gift for her, watching as she opened the deer hide to reveal a necklace. Grinning wider now, she leaned forward and pulled the necklace forward with a paw. She'd never really been one for trinkets but it seemed that, too, was changing with time - the gift was thoughtful and she couldn't imagine not wearing it now. Carefully she lifted it up and nosed beneath it, glad that it fell easily over her head, and with the help of a few movements, right around her neck. "Thank you," Asvor breathed softly, leaning to place a gentle lick on Valdis's cheek. "It's perfect."

She couldn't help but wonder exactly how she'd made it. Twisting back to look at the items she'd laid out, as well as at the body of the lynx. "What are you making now?" Asvor asked curiously, wondering if she had plans yet. "You should teach me to make something," she suggested playfully. "So that maybe I can make you a gift this nice someday."