
Smiles Will Bring The Sunshine Days



4 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Christmas 2019
11-10-2019, 09:26 PM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2019, 12:20 PM by Célestin.)

Whatever beauty was in the world for Célestin had grown muted, not revealing themselves to him like the used to. Even in the moments of his sister's death and his mother's passing the world had seemed alive and bright, beckoning him to come and explore... What he'd never noticed was that the worlded looked that way because he'd been chasing his sun, Pegasus. And now? Well now his sun was missing and he moved through a world of shades of grey.

A sweet high voice echoed across the southern continent and his ears perked. The rainbow man adjusted his course, approaching the falls and tracking those melodious tones, like a balm for his soul. His dual toned gaze would easily find the small shape of the girl, his Little Momento. "Meme!" He called out to the girl, an easy smile pulling at his lips, the first real smile he's managed in a while. He may have lost his sun but standing before him was one little star, and this time he wouldn't let it go.

Célestin approached the pup, gently lowering himself to try and reach out and nose at the girl's head. His feelings for the girl's mother were still complicated. He didn't blame her for what had happened to her but he wasn't sure he could every say he liked her. But he'd quickly grown attatched to her daughter... his lover's last reminant. He had always wanted children of his own and in his heartbreak had taken to Memento Mori like his own daughter. Though he'd yet to admit it to anyone but himself. "What are you up to today?" He asked her.


Art by LilPupSpongeCake
[Image: dxada_by_sterling_raven_by_lolaf-dccz5i2.png]
Célestin speaks both French and English fluently, hover for translations.
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3