
furious fanged folly




6 Years
11-11-2019, 05:03 PM

Banshee watched the larger male in slight admiration. She was aware of his previous status as a bodyguard and/or servant for Deathbelle. Perhaps even below that before coming to Boreas. Now, the brute was a Warlord.. Still beneath Death but risen high enough to grasp a crown for his self. With the new recruits the male could easily depart from Ashen and make the Armada his own force. But, she was well aware that would not happen. They would reign as an Empire as long as Belle could keep her throne.

The babe let forth a genuine giggle as she listened to his drama. It was evident he was not doing well with being a 'home body' but she was sure he would bounce back in not time. With a light shake of her head Banshee raised a brow, "If I were you I'd take the time to heal and perhaps even relax." She smirked gently, "That is if you can." If he didn't they would have a never ending cycle of injuries to deal with. Would he risk being weakened by his own impatience?

The conversation shifted into a higher gear as the Warlord began to speak on her inquire. Her russet toned ears flicked ever so slightly as she took in his vocals. As he finished Banshee took only a moment to think over his suggestion before nodding towards him. "That sounds perfect." She enjoyed the prospect of focusing on two skills rather then just one. Previously she had been focusing on only healing.. Which she had enjoyed but Banshee was riddled with energy and ambition when she wasn't dealing with her emotions. Learning how to fight and defend herself beneath the Warlord may be the solution to her issue. "Maybe one day I'll be able to knock you on your bum." Banshee wriggled her brows in a playful and teasing manner. "Will Io be okay with teaching me?" Ban hadn't spent much time with the strange femme since returning.
