
the one and only


07-27-2013, 06:40 PM

It was warm for a spring day, but then again at least it wasn't raining. The last few days had seemed so melancholy and dismal with the rain and recent deaths of Adette and Reficul, the King was more than pleased to see that the sun still existed. He skirted along the border of Seracia, lingering near the lake that bordered the western edge. A bath was in order, as the rain had led to mud, and mud led to a rather unkempt appearance for a King. A smile crossed his lips as he slipped into the water up to his broad chest, finding it to be cool and refreshing. Fish darted away from him, retreating as quickly and nimbly as they could. They weren't in any danger today, but they didn't know that. He paddled out a few yards, far enough that he was off of the edge of the water, but close enough in that he could still stand if he grew tired of treading water. His tail flagged out like a great propellor, tilting and adjusting depending on the direction he moved in.

Perhaps rather unattractively, his jaws spread open and allowed water to flow into his mouth, where he lapped it up quickly. It felt good to swim. Last season it had been too cold - though it was rumored his father had taken a dip or two in the frigid waters. Maverick wasn't that daft, and had chosen to wait until Spring when the water was cool, but not freezing. Summer would be even nicer, when the water would be warmed steadily by the sun and would be a spectacularly comfortable temperature. Then fall would come around and cool it once more - leading to a winter in which you'd have to be mad to swim or bathe. And so, the King of Seracia continued his mid-day swim, with intentions of remaining there until his mind told him otherwise.
