
furious fanged folly




6 Years
11-11-2019, 08:20 PM

At first Banshee was taken a back by her Warlord's order but as she listened further and his facial expression breathed amusement she let forth a slightly tentative giggle. It was funny how she was a bit nervous and tippy toeing around the male when he had been a lesser not that long ago. The gal was meant to be royalty yet the only crown in the room belonged to the man who was once a servant to her family. Not that Banshee ever expected much from others when it came to respect. Perhaps if her father had been successful in his endeavors to retrieve a throne then maybe she would be some sort of prissy princess. But instead the blue eyes babe was a loner in the midst of her blood trying to find her place in the world like everyone else.

Banshee was snapped out of her worrisome thoughts as he asked her a question. This called for the yearling to offer a brow raise before emitting a soft hum of pondering. She had seen a few newer Kleins around but hadn't met any of them. One a massive slate beast and the other a dappled albino. She didn't know either of them well enough to offer them up as tributes so Ban finally offered a shrug. "I could try." 'Have I ever dug a pit before?' She had helped her father clear out the brier but other then that she never did terrain editing. 'How hard could it be?'

As they moved onto wood working her focus shifted quite a bit. Rather then being nervous she was honed in on her desire to learn. Banshee consumed every tidbit of knowledge her mentor had to offer. He exposed the great advantages of their fangs. It's obvious that the massive teeth were incredibly useful when it came to battle or hunting but never did she think of the crafting side of things. Using them as carving tools rather then potentially harming the smaller teeth beneath her lips. Or even getting splinters in her gums. Banshee was captivated as she watched his example before giving it a go. The babe put one large paw on the stick and the other on the ground to use as stability. She then leaned down and began to grind her fangs against the wood as he had shown her. At first she was rather gentle as if unsure of how much pressure to put down. But, as she saw not much was happening Ban began to press down harder and she watched as the wood peeled away. Her eyes twinkled with curiosity before pausing and looking to Sirius for a moment. "It is an unpleasant feelings.." A shrug. "But, the outcome weighs out the discomfort it seems." Banshee went back to it, accepting any instruction or tips he may have to offer.
