
Don't say you love me then turn around and drop me




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
11-11-2019, 11:38 PM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2019, 12:47 AM by Bellamy.)
He showed… kindness… a politeness Bells was unused to. As much as it was strange… she kind of liked it. In that sense he reminded her of Whiskers… and that, at the very least, had her behaving for the moment.

No one ever tolerated her like this… well, save for Ears and Whiskers. They didn’t count though.

Then his look mirrored her own. Confusion found its way to his face even though he still lacked hostility. At his question Bellamy did not flinch, nor did she narrow her gaze or show any other signs of being more threatening.

“It depends on who you ask.” Her words came in a cool calm tone and she did not look away from him. She would not lie about who, or what she was. She had no reason to do so. If anyone had a problem with it, well, they could meet her fangs.

She frowned. Were her questions really so strange? Whiskers had mentioned something about that to her before… how she didn’t act like other creatures she had met. At first Bellamy had suspected that the badger was just odd... but maybe she really was as big a mess as the badger said.

The moment that he mentioned being in charge of a pack Bellamy took a step back, expression taking on a cooler look as she spoke. “So that’s it..” Her posture, while it didn’t shift to aggressive, betrayed her feelings towards packs and things of that nature. Distrust and uncertain had found its way to her features.

He had seemed kind… but he was a leader.

With how the Kedieo Empire had been… she didn’t exactly like the idea of being in the presence of such a wolf.

“To go more in depth about your earlier question…” Bellamy continued to watch him, wary, waiting for his demeanor to change as well.

“I come to this land as a fugitive from my own.”

She did not back down. Did not show fear.

She was ready to resist if he thought to do anything to compromise her freedom, mind jumping to irrational thoughts already.

She would not strike first… but she would defend the freedom she fought to gain.

“In the land of Lyenne I was known as Hell’s Bells… the assassin of the Queen of the Kedieo Empire.” She spoke of treachery… or so any from that damned Empire would believe.

“Look at it how you like. If you ask me she deserved no less from one whose family was slaughtered and she gave away as a fucking child to be a disposable set of fangs and claws so she could lap up a couple extra luxeries in trade.” Anger flashed in her eyes but it wasn’t directed at Acere… but rather at the woman who had taken her puppyhood from her.

Even with that woman dead Bellamy had yet to find peace.
Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.