
wish i had a river i could skate away on




Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
11-12-2019, 10:50 AM

It wasn't long before she caught a glimpse of Theory, and slowly she turned to face her, moving slowly to close what little distance remained between them. Her own posture was far less confrontational than any time they'd met before. These lands weren't ones she was familiar and she knew she had no place here. What she'd wanted was to see if being closer to the volcano might bring her answers. She'd never heard the voice of God, not like some of the elder Abraxas had claimed to, but maybe this might help her find answers.

So far, it had only led her to Theory. "Theory," she returned the simple greeting easily. Her voice was lower now, no longer touched with the childish tone it'd had upon their last meeting, and was faintly hoarse from not being used. She had no one to really talk to, not lately; her siblings and parents all seemed to be gone, and she often found it hard to connect to those left in the Empire. It felt weirdly comforting to see Theory again - hell, she'd even been glad to see her when Theory had called her for no good reason, though the enjoyment had been mixed with a weird irritation. It'd been hard to reconcile the mixed emotions, but now she felt none of that former annoyance. It was hard to deny she was sad, though she hoped that heaviness didn't sneak through into this interaction.

"I'm fine," she started, after a long moment of hesitation. Physically, she was okay. Mentally, she was less well, and spiritually she was a mess. She felt lonely - not in the simple sense of being alone, but in a much deeper, more existential way that was hard for her yearling brain to grasp. "Not really. Just the ash and some tremors, but.. not like here." Theory seemed okay on the exterior, but Thalia couldn't help but wonder if anyone had been hurt that she knew. "Our leader was out this way when it all started, though. He's gone," she explained, as clinically as she could muster. The Empire felt as though it had crumbled, and she hoped somehow Pyrrhic might find a way to pick up the pieces. But she couldn't tell Theory all that, not when she'd insulted her own role in her pack the last time they'd met. Sure, maybe they'd both changed and the air between them felt lighter now, but it was hard to forget the bragging and how it'd made Thalia feel. Not that it matter anymore, not really.

"We've moved a bit futher from where we were living before, but.. I'm not sure what we're going to do now. We're figuring it out." But enough about that. She found it hard to imagine Theory would understand her losses - she didn't know how wrong she was, with all the other female had gone through this last season. "What about you.. and your pack? Are you okay?" Expressing concern felt weird, given their past meetings, but she was truly curious and cared if she was faring well - even if she was a mortal.