
Caged in Gold

Heading north, anybody welcome



4 Years
11-13-2019, 11:17 PM

[OOC: Yes that is absolutely fine!! Pardon the sloppy response, I’m a bit rusty]
The sun had prevented Deity from sleeping, such was her discomfort, so she’d been keeping herself somewhat entertained by licking the sand from between her front toes when a noise exploded nearby. Birds— robins?— flapped their wings and let out agonized shrieks, dive-bombing a hulking figure. Canine.
Deity raised her nose to the sky, trying to catch the stranger’s scent before he got close. Luckily, the wind was blowing right towards her.
It smelled musky, masculine. A he, then. Heading towards her from the same direction she’d come from. Perhaps they were going to the same place?
She squashed the thought as soon as it entered her mind. She had to exercise some form of caution— the birds’ ruckus set her on edge. He could be dangerous. Plus, she had a debt to repay, and couldn’t risk distractions. Rose needed her herbs soon, and it was Diety’s job to get them to her.
So Deity laid low: she decided to rest a moment more. The male might just pass her by.
Except he didn’t: he came closer and closer. Deity watched him all the way, closely, not announcing her presence but making no attempt to mask it. The stranger then noticed her with a start, only a few feet away.
His coat was black and brown, and he was even larger than Deity had initially thought. A Dire? Perhaps. Blood coated his maw, sparking an inkling of fear in Deity’s chest. He could be dangerous.
He approached and asked his question. For a moment, Deity lay silent, brow furrowed. It sounded as though he’s spoken complete gibberish. The fog in her mind quickly broke, and she understood he had an accent. Strong, but not indecipherable.
Delicate flower, she repeated silently. graveyard of war.
“I, um,” Deity began, stuttering a bit. Caution. He could be dangerous. ”I’m on a mission,” she said vaguely. ”And yourself?”

And so our haloes became collars and golden chains; our proud, shining divinity became the very thing that bound us.