
Let me live that fantasy


07-27-2013, 10:36 PM


Syne felt little comfort in his consenting to her terms. She realized he would probably have said anything to get her to go with him. It was a harsh reality she had been thrown into. She had no idea what to expect for her future or what would happen to her. Minutes ago she had come to explore the island, and now here she was, being led off by her new... what did she call him? Alpha? Owner? She honestly didn't know.

With a firm press to her side he was leading her away to join his "kingdom". So this is how her new life would begin. She had to look on the bright side of this to keep herself from going crazy over all of this. She had a new home, a strange twisted one, but a home none of the less. She was going to have her own family, even if it was with this strange, dominating brute. Despite this situation she was in, her spirit wasn't broken and she was determined to find some light in this. She followed his lead obediently, ready to see where her life would lead.

Ooc: bahaha totally fine with me guuuurl.
- exit Syne? -
