
what am i supposed to do, haunted by the ghost of you

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-14-2019, 04:36 PM
Rhyme wasn’t coping. He wasn’t eating, didn’t sleep, and barely spoke. Were it not for his responsibilities in the pack he might not have lifted himself from his den. Once bright blue and lavender eyes held a foggy sheen and his fur was dull from neglect. Still his tall frame moved over the borders of Abaven’s temporary homestead.

A part of him died with Shaye that day, and the once mighty Raven Knight was felled low. Imperia and Solitude did their best to keep him moving, they couldn’t force him to eat or sleep but somehow the ravens convinced him to drink when fresh water was provided. He slowed now, his heart wrenching as Shaye’s stale scent filled his senses. Her den. Rhyme sobbed heavily, unable to continue as he collapsed at the entrance of the sacred place.

He didn’t move for a long time, and tears fell from his eyes until he’d dried himself out. Still the man would weep for what he lost. ”No. No, no, no…” He tried to deny truth, but the sight of her lifeless form would not leave him. Rhyme grit his teeth and pressed his forehead against the earth, a place her paws had touched.

”No, what?”

Rhyme froze, blinking open his eyes as he stared at the ground in front of his face. Deep deep down he knew it couldn’t be real, but his weakened mind was quick to cling to her. Slowly Rhyme lifted his head, carefully shifting his gaze behind him. He knew he heard her voice, and he swore he saw a glimpse of her blue feather. ”Shaye?” It couldn’t be, but it had to be. Rhyme lifted himself eagerly to his paws and raced after the phantom.

His heart thundered in his chest as he wrestled with reality, and all at once his doubts were quelled. The whole world stopped. Rhyme didn’t breathe as his eyes fell on her beautiful form, her bright eyes gazed back at him and she wore a glittering smile. She looked better than she had in seasons. ”Shaye.” Relief flooded through him and he surged forward to embrace her. She helped to close the distance and she was wrapped in his arms again. ”Shaye.” He cried, but for different reasons now. She hadn’t left him, she was here, his family was whole.

He held her for a long time, and the two of them remained silent as he struggled with the sudden joy he felt. All too soon she was pulling away from him. ”Someone is coming, don’t tell anyone. Okay? I love you, I’ll find you again soon.” She promised him, offering a chaste kiss upon his cheek before her tall frame disappeared behind the trees. Rhyme was left in a complete daze, no better off than before he had experienced the hallucination.