
death before dishonor




8 Years
11-15-2019, 08:32 PM

Before the eruption Hannibal had ventured far up north in search for the mother of his offspring. The male had been led on a wild goose chase but never desired to give up. He did not want to give up on his children nor abandon them. After his terrible experience in boreas and his lack of ability to grasp a crown he was trying to prove himself to his spawn. The only opinions that truly matter were those of his children. But, when he marched north the eruption took place. As an earthquake moved through the land he was wandering through a mountain pass and loose rocks fell. One larger rock fell from a lower cliff but was heavy enough to break the male's leg. It hurt so horribly that he laid pinned by the large rock in the pass for some time. His calls for help muffled by the large walls that towered over him. But, after some time a wanderer seemed to hear his cries and came to assist him. The female was a nomadic northern healer that nearly dragged him to a cave where they resided for some time. Hiding from both the horrible winter and the aftermath of the eruption. Though, as things died down it was a mere waiting game due to the state of his leg. In no way was the injured beast going to limp all the way down to Ashen without getting picked off by a larger predator or end up getting shaken by another quake and have a repeat. Thus, Hannibal was nursed back to health by the nomadic woman and eventually felt capable enough to make the journey home.

Hannibal walked with a noticeable limp but his leg was seemingly in tact. Within the next month the brute should be at full health and able to resume day to day functions. What one could not see was the pain he felt inwardly. He knew his children would deem his absence as another chance to despise him. Banshee had already wanted nothing to do with him and Recluse was often no where to be found. And what of his newer spawn with Dutch? Had the viking taken them away.. Where they in the confinements of his home? So many questions to go around they made his head spin. Despite his anxiety and worry Hannibal was just glad to be back and would hope he would be welcomed back to recover fully. A dull ache filled both his chest and his leg as he swallowed down the guilt. Hannibal moved uneasily towards the new territory. He assumed due the pack had moved due to the eruption, which was smart. It made him feel a bit better that they were not caught off guard like he was. Upon reaching the borders Hannibal tilted his head up and allowed a howl to release from his core. He summoned his immediate family as well as high ranking Wolves.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.