
death before dishonor




6 Years
11-15-2019, 08:44 PM

The call range through her ears and seared through her heart. A sound of her thrumming heart bounced within her skull and her eyes immediately shut. Heat met her paws and tears met her eyes beneath auburn lids. The babe had been resting within her new den. Reorganizing her herb stores, weapons, and maybe even practicing he whiddling. All was well. But, as that howl filled the air she felt a rush of anxiety and terror come back to her. Something she hadn't felt since the day she was captured and relived with Iroh. Sirius had said her father was gone but no one had ever spoken the word dead. Banshee figured he was or he wouldn't come back. 'How dumb am I?' Part of her wished to just hide in her den and never come back. Or maybe even run away and just go spend time with Iroh. 'I am allowed to disappear too..'

After long moments of anxiety riddled hesitation Banshee stood. The yearling slipped from her den and shook off the emotion. The fur beneath her eyes was damp but no longer did tears fall. Banshee decided it was time to show the world that she could overcome the short comings of her parents. Of course the loss of her mother and father pained her deeply but she was ready to rise up and become her own Wolf. The shadow of Hannibal would no long reach her.

Banshee was the first to arrive. An emptiness surrounded her as she connected eyes with her dear pa. The babe's eyes stung as salty tears threatened to fall but she swallowed back the pain. Her chest hurt and her breathing became uneasy but never did she expose such. Obviously the male would be able to see her pain but Banshee would push it away so no one else would. "Hannibal." Her beaming baby blues scanned his form and seemed to linger upon his slightly elevated and scarred up front right limb. "Where were you?" There was no time to waste, she wanted to hear his newest explanation.
