
when can i see you again




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-16-2019, 02:10 AM
The surprise evening had turned from joyous to melancholy. Deathbelle promised that they would always be friends. Always be there for one another. It was enough for Iolaire, but would it be enough for her lover? It didn't seem so. Sadness took hold of Belle and Iolaire found herself holding the woman tightly. This wasn't supposed to happen. She was supposed to be helping her, not harming her.

And then Belle began to sing.

Ears shot forward, catching each note. She poured such sadness into the song that a soft whine crept up from Io's throat. Her own eyes began getting wet. This wasn't good. Iolaire did not cry. It was against everything that she was. Everything that she had become. Blinking back the tears, she moved in again, wrapping her neck around Belle's once the song had ended. "Your voice is beautiful. Just like you. Thank you for sharing it with me." She nibbled the area beneath one ear gently. What on earth was this woman doing to her? Before she knew it, she was speaking again. "I could easily say that I love you as well." Dammit.

Sudden heat filled Iolaire's face. What in the hell had she done? She wasn't making this any better for either of them. Already she was hurting Deathbelle, she could tell. So why had she said it? Because it was true, of course. The woman deserved honesty. Maybe it was because she was so very, very tired, but Iolaire felt as though she was an open book; her heart laid bare for Belle to see. Eyes still a bit misty, she pulled back to search the other woman's face. A soft laugh pulled from her, the corner of those eyes crinkling slightly. "We're hopeless, aren't we?" It was more a statement than a question. They were indeed hopeless. No one could convince her otherwise.

Iolaire moved to wrap her small form as closely with Deathbelle's as she could manage. She got comfortable and hoped that her counterpart would as well. She hoped that they would spend the night together. If not in love, then in sleep. "Come. Sleep with me. Perhaps things won't feel as bleak in the morning." Leaning forward, she flicked her tongue between Belle's lovely lavender eyes playfully, trying to change the mood.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.