
Don't say you love me then turn around and drop me



Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
11-16-2019, 06:18 PM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2019, 06:18 PM by Acere.)

He was practically walking on egg shells with this one, the alabaster king having been careful with his words so far so she didn't feel threatened by him. He watched her reaction change after he mentioned Gavroche's name, studying her as she seemed to lessen a bit in hostility. "The cursed one, they call him." He raised a brow slightly in curiosity but remained quiet as she continued. She talked about those she had run from, who Gav had run from. Both exiles from their home pack. In a way, just like him. He had run away as an exile from his own birth pack, too. And as he listened to her story he understood. He had run from a pack similar to hers, believing in something that he didn't believe in anymore and using the wolves to kill those who likely didn't deserve it. Hell, he had been punished for not raping his own sister. He couldn't live that life anymore, so he refused to do it, got punished, and ran. And when she made mention of a "red giant" he knew exactly who she was talking about. The wolf that followed and protected the young, small male.

As he took in her words and thought about everything she said so far, he was surprised when she turned questions at him. “What of you? Are you some fucking tyrant who plays with the lives of others, or the sort of king I was long lead to believe failed to exist? What beliefs do you stand for?” He looked surprised for a moment, but then his features smoothed over as he steadily looked her in the eye. "I'm no tyrant king. Though I killed my brother who was. He hurt many others, family and strangers alike. My beliefs aren't ones that seek to control, but to help others thrive and give them their own choices. Of course, I'm an alpha...but I'll never force someone to do something they wouldn't want to do. Make no mistake, I'm not a saint...I stand for what I believe is right and will act accordingly. Killing my brother was the first act of justice I ever served, and I don't regret that even now. I've bartered with slavers to free others, even at a heavy cost to myself and my pack. But I don't regret them."

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