
we survive, it's what we do [ABAVEN SPRING MEETING]



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
11-17-2019, 02:32 AM

He had only been with them for a short while, found in winter… but it had given time for the blisters on his pads to heal at least. With a bit of food and fresh water the male had found himself gaining a bit of strength but he had chosen to keep away from the rest of Abaven during that time best he could. As much as he was grateful for the aid he knew in his heart he would not be able to stay forever. Even if he wasn’t fully well, still suffering the effects of smoke inhalation and bearing wounds still healing as fur attempted to grow back, Gavroche knew he needed to leave soon… before he was too late to save the other wolf from her enslavement.

They had come back to the mainland and, thankfully, he made it with Mela’s collar still in his possession. Gavroche refused to leave it, half carrying, half dragging the heavy thing around his body as he made his way to the meeting site. He was late, not that he was really an Abaven member anyway, but the young male knew it was not right to merely accept aid and then leave without a word. As pressing as finding the band was… he had to at least say something to Theory before he did so.

He breathing was hard, a bit raspy as he arrived and slide the collar off his body so that he could give himself a small break. He didn’t really look at many of the others, though one wolf, who also seemed to be late, drew his attention for but a moment.

His eyes slide to Theory then and he spoke up to the best of his ability.

"Miss Theory… I can’t thank you and Corvus enough for finding and giving me aid but... I can't stay with your pack any longer… I have to find the that band..." His ears flicked back as he finished his words with a whine. What would he do if the brown wolf had already been resold? It would be his fault...
