
Wheel and Deal



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-18-2019, 01:00 AM

You never knew when something useful might crop up? Indeed. Was the woman's only reply. Already this interaction was becoming tedious. Multi-hued eyes watched as the little raccoon shambled off. Pity. Iolaire rather liked companions. Usually more than their counterparts if she was being honest. Not that she didn't love her brother, but she'd taken a particular shine to his cat, Bast. Marshall, his vulture, wasn't so bad either. Perhaps she'd eventually attain a companion of her own. There was time for that, however.

Just as Luce hadn't, Iolaire also wouldn't take the bait. When the woman mentioned being on the lookout for herbs used in a concoction for Deathbelle, Io simply made a 'hmm' of acceptance. Whatever the mixture was, it was none of her business. If Belle wished to inform her of any ailments, then she would. Until then, the reason would remain unknown to the small woman. From personal experience, she knew that Luce's Empress was quite...virile and robust.

Rising, Iolaire began walking again, nosing around during her search. Lucretia would either follow, or she wouldn't. The day only lasted so long and it was much easier to navigate the world with a cart when it was light outside. One particular crust of earth caught the tiny dame's eye and she used snow dipped paws to dig it out. Aha. Success. A small one, anyway. The woman had unearthed an old winch gear. This would definitely come in handy. Flipping open one of the smaller front pockets on her bag, she slid the treasure within.

Another gust of wind ruffled the fae's pelt as she stood tall, her gaze scanning over the particular quadrant that she was in. She was content to be silent. If the other healer had something to say, she could very well do so. Iolaire was rather suspicious of her. Not to say that she disliked her, she simply disliked the game that was being played. Iolaire preferred blunt honesty. You have a question? Ask it. You don't like me? Say so. This wasn't her game, however. She had to wait until the larger wolf gave the game away. She didn't have to wait in place though and so she continued picking her way down the row of land. She could do this all day.

Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.