
the future is ready to shine




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
11-18-2019, 11:33 AM

Though Corvus had things of his own to mourn, most of his losses were further in the past. He'd long since accepted the loss of his parents and likely Rhea - and he had been surprised when Aiden had reappeared. The other wolves that Abaven had lost.. well, he hadn't been as close to them, not like many of the others had been. His own grief was more of a private affair, anyway. He nodded as she noticed him, forcing a weak smile that wilted almost as soon as it appeared at all.

"I agree," he concurred quietly. Coming here had been a good decision - the volcano's eruption had made him wonder who had thought staying near the living mountain was such a good idea in the first place - but it didn't make him miss the lands he'd been born in any less. Those lands were all he knew as home, though lately he'd learned that home was less about the actual place you lived in and more about who you surrounded yourself with.

Twig was part of that group, even if he didn't know her well. And it seemed she wanted to get to know him, too. Her question made his eyes widen, just slightly, catching him off guard. "To entertain myself?" Corvus repeated, wondering if he'd heard her correctly. He wasn't really the type to engage in leisure activities.. not really. The little time he had to himself he often spend scouting the borders and making sure everything was up to par - or, at least a few times, making trips to the north to see his best friend. He really wasn't sure what else he did for fun. "I.. I'm not sure. Not much since we moved here. I've kind of been focused on... making sure everyone's alright and everything," he explained lamely. "What about you? You're probably a lot more fun than me," he added without thinking, regretting it immediately after. He wasn't trying to be hard on himself, he just generally didn't think he was all that entertaining... surely she was more so.