
pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere




13+ Years

Treat 2019
11-18-2019, 02:28 PM
In all honestly the old woman hadn’t even realized what she said. She meant her Abaven grandchildren as a whole, and though Valentine had ended the slavers that made Eulogy possible she knew he had no love for her. Even less would the thought of him claiming those children as his grands. Rhythm didn’t catch his inflection as he used the word ‘our’ to her ‘my’ already she had forgotten she used the singular possessive. All she knew was that he was right, Shaye would want her there for them. If she had caught it, she might have managed a smile. After Rhyme was disowned she didn’t think the old man wanted anything to do with their son’s offspring.

”She would, wouldn’t she?” She asked in a somewhat dream like sense. Tears fell from her clouded eyes and she aimed to share in Valentine’s strength. Even all these years later he was strong and impressive. Rhythm aimed to press herself against his chest, only wanting to soak him in for a good long moment. They were old, and the likelihood of Rhythm leaving Abaven again was very slim. Through her grief of Shaye Rhythm also felt the regret of wasted time between herself and Valentine.

Once she had been unable to take her eyes off him. She was completely in love and in awe of the impressive man. Time changed all though, and now she felt keenly the distance that was put between them. She with years of abuse, and their inability to see eye to eye with recent events.

”I can’t believe she’s gone.” She whispered into his coat, her mind unable to focus well on any one heartbreaking subject. ”Right, Chaos.” She affirmed. ”One more date…” She mumbled as he tried to get her to tell him what he needed to carry. ”I don’t have anything anymore, Valen.” She said softly in more ways than one. Any worldly possessions she had were left in old Imperium, any medicine she needed would be easy to find in the eastern lands. Reluctantly she pulled herself away from him enough only their fur touched and she allowed him to lead the way.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads