

Jupiter I


7 Years
07-28-2013, 09:52 AM
Wolf of the month
Medusa. She's developed a lot from the character that she started out as. She's grown and changed and her relationship with Jupiter is one of the best I've ever been a part of. So I think she deserves WOTM for that reason.
Couple of the month
jupusagoddammitluican'tvotejupusabecauseofyou morphine x ezekiel because lol
Member of the month
Shelby. She's been everywhere. Doing everything. And she's been on all of the time. And she's cool as hell. <3
Staff of the month
Lu, because she's put up with a lot of our crap over the past month despite having her own issues to deal with. Despite everything, she's been my friend through it all as well, and I appreciate it a lot.
Thread of the month
Needle in your side, because the sexual tension/flirtiness between Deteste and Medusa is the best. This thread is the perfect situation ever. XD

OOC most liklies

most likely to spree Muse b/c she's a post whore

most likely to get excited I'd say Wolfy because Wolf is always happy for one reason or another. c:

most likely to help ahhh Mouser's a helpful babbu that I love. <3

most likely to come to the rescue Lu. When stuff needs clearing up she swoops from nowhere to crush all confusion. XD

most likely to attack newbies para. b/c she and laxagogogoo are cray.

most like to do a flying ninja kick barrel roll to assasinate their worst enemy aislyn

IC most liklies

most likely to be a couple medusa/deteste just because

most likely to be the best mom Merci. XD She's already got to take care of Awaken since he seems to keep hurting himself, so she seems to have some practice.

most likely to be the worst mom Medusa b/c have you even seen her? XD

most likely to be the best dad Deteste b/c he's such a loyal bro.

most likely to be the worst dad Isardis.

most likely to be the cutest kid Oberon because Twinkletoes

most likely to be the biggest pain in the derriere definitely creedance the little punk

most likely to be the best leader Gargoyle

most likely to shake things up Medusa. b/c she's a possessive slut. XD

most likely to win a fight Gerhardt

most likely to defend Gerhardt for both b/c he's like a knight in shining armor. sort of. XD Too soon?

most likely to cheat on their signifigant other MEDUSA I MEAN CHRIST HAVE YOU EVEN DFJLSA DO YOU EVEN LIFT

most likely to be devoted not medusa I think Gargie's got it pretty good on the loyalty side.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.