
Some Ancient Call That I've Answered Before

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2 Years
11-21-2019, 08:11 PM (This post was last modified: 11-21-2019, 09:55 PM by Koloskivi.)
       Acceptance... it was the most difficult thing Koloskivi to grasp from anyone. His distant heritage clawed at the eyes around him; making him almost invisible. Was that good, he would wonder. Maybe it was bad; he didn't care. Although, maybe being invisible had its perks? The sky darkened with a mass of foreboding, grey clouds that covered the face of the sun and the expanse of blue around it, turning the land into monochrome grays. The presence of the dark clouds preceded the rain that began to fall, its pace picking up and chasing the forest creatures back into their homes. The wind sent the rain flying sideways and anyone left in the open would find themselves blinded by the rain, or at least pelted relentlessly by the raindrops. It wasn't the ideal experience for anyone out in the rain and anyone wise would seek shelter from the weather. But not this brute, Koloskivi was used to weather like this. 

       Amber eyes grew brighter against the grays; its dull colours making him almost gleam. The early afternoon had started out rather pleasantly as the sun forced its way through the brush of the forest below. Deer roamed and scattered through the low brush in to the valleys, birds sang their songs, and the rodents conversed in the treetops while nibbling on stray seeds and nuts they had found on the ground. It was a warmer than usual day, which was most likely why the entire wood seemed to be talking. And he. He let himself go; let himself be free. Only this time, he was no longer in mildly familiar lands. He was in an Empire's care; an emperor's grace. The wolf understood that strange wolves on another territory isn't the best thing in the world. But he had no choice; no purpose. This. This great empire would give him one.