
Before The Sun Rises



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
11-23-2019, 08:23 PM
Then they went on to say the pearly gates

Both Corvus and Twig seemed fine with following the eagle and he turned to the great bird and nodded. "We accept your terms." The eagle smiled, or at least Brandr thought he did, before speaking. "I'm glad to here it. My name is Ambi. Please, this way." With a great leap the bird took off into the air and Brandr took off in pursuit. Thankfully, the bird flew low and navigated a path along the mountain that the wolves could follow.

Soon, the bird slowed its pace and landed. Panting, Brandr came to a halt next to the eagle as the bird gestured a short ways away. Farther up the path were a small herd of mountain goats. They were smaller than those seen on the mainland but they looked healthy enough. Well, all but one. He eyed an aging ram whose sides were heaving ever so often. From what he guessed it was coughing.

Brandr turned to his Abaven compatriots. "That old ram looks to be a good target." Now how to get it? If there was one thing wolves had in abundance it was endurance. Once they got them going the ram would quickly fall behind. "Everyone will sneak forward, then Twig and I will get them running. Ideally we'll be able to seize hold of its hindlegs and drag it down long enough for Corvus to take the kill shot."

Brandr lowered his stance and slunk forward. Carefully he worked his way over the rocky terrain until he felt he was close enough to make a good leap. Ambi took off into the sky but the goats paid little notice. After all, an eagle wasn't a threat to a bunch of grown goats. Once everyone was in place Brandr burst forward and charged for the target. Bleating the goats scrambled and leapt as they tried to leap up the steepest side of the mountain, the ram already falling behind.

had such elegant graffiti