
Calling all the monsters


08-03-2013, 08:19 PM
"You're standing on one of my favorite spots already," he replied with a chuckle. "I love watching the sand light up in the sunlight at noon and in the glow of the moon at midnight. Definitely worth the trip from the north to see every once in awhile. Another really interesting place to visit is the Lifeless Caverns, in the north. From the outside it looks like merely a crack in the mountain side, but once you walk through a dirt tunnel you find the huge cavern and tunnels inside with dozens of spikes of rock all around. It's far in the north, a short trek from the Amenti territory, if you'd ever like to visit." He could talk about the landscape of Alacritis for days if she'd let him, but he left his explanations at that unless she asked for more. He didn't want to bore her.

He chuckled and grinned as the fea tugged at his ear and offered him a game of tag. He hadn't played tag in years, since he was a pup most likely. But with a fea like Bast he was more than willing to play along. His golden eyes looked into her emeralds, his eyes glittering with the challenge. "Alright. I'm game." He leaned in close, deciding to chance his luck a bit, and brushed his muzzle against her cheek, whispering, "Tag." He turned and took down the coast line, chuckling softly.
