
cauterize my heart




3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-24-2019, 09:36 AM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2019, 09:40 AM by Aureus.)
Aurues snarled as Pyrrhic turned on him. His hackles raised, but he would not back down, instead seeking to look his brother right in the eye. "Don't posture to me, brother! I seem to recall at the meeting that you told us to consider finding a new leader or else we were done, so don't you dare pretend it hasn't crossed your mind at least once. Now, if you've found some new found conviction please share it." His voice cracked on the please and he bit back tears that were starting to boil hot behind his eyes. "I need to hear it because I've had nothing but doubt this entire past season."

Eligos was swift to step in and Aureus was grateful for it, before his own hot temper caused further damage. Aureus took a deep breath and forced himself to sit. "I'm… I'm sorry, I'm so angry and I just… you're right, turning that anger on family isn't going to help." He sure needed to turn it somewhere, but how could he do so productively? He just didn't know. Instead he listened to Eligos' words.

But the situation has changed from when our father chose his path for the family. It may be that we need to make changes as well.

"Do you have anything in mind?"

Eligos continued to speak and Aureus thought on these words. Walk more in the world? It did seem that Malleus had started laying some groundwork based on diplomacy rather than invasion. Did Eligos mean something along those lines or something new entirely? The dark male turned to Pyrrhic and spoke again and Aureus followed his brother's gaze to Pyrrhic. Pyrrhic was indeed the heir and even if they fought at times he respected his twin and was eager to be given some direction. He'd tried wandering aimlessly but all he'd done is ruminate on what he'd lost. Without intervention there was no telling where he'd end up.