
fixing a little mistake

aureus - int seasonal



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-24-2019, 11:47 AM
The unfamiliar woman turned to him and confirmed that she was part of the pack. He nodded in answer to his question. "Yea, my name is Aureus. I'm… well, let's just say I'm a loner. I've been traveling for a long time and I haven't come across much to eat." He didn't care to let this stranger know what pack he was from so as far as he was concerned for this encounter he'd just left. As for food, prey was scarce but that was no surprise. Everything was scarce after the volcanic eruption. What wolves that were able to flee had scattered far and yon. Prey had scattered as well and the results of the volcanic explosion had stifled all kinds of plant life. He hoped that spring would bring about a renewal but it seemed slow in coming.

"I have a few different sorts of items with me. I wonder, would your pack have any spare food that they could trade?" He really only needed a few little morsels so he and Kali could get their strength up. Griff had been doing well enough and the bird was likely off, watching from a distance. Kali gently set their bundle down and butted his shoulder against Aureus' own shoulder. Aureus could only hope that some of the items might be of interest to the she-wolf. He had little interest in taking anything by force at this time. For one he didn't want to bring a whole pack down on himself and for another he didn't exactly know where their food stores were. Not to mention he didn't want to go waltzing right into trouble and bringing it all the way back to Risen.