
can't sleep, countin sheep

Aurielle, Darya



6 Years
Extra large

Ooze ImmuneAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantFestival OrganizerDouble MasterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
Beevent1KTreat 2019
11-24-2019, 09:35 PM
Why Tyrian wanted sheep was beyond him. They were awfully dumb looking things. Happy and springy, sure, but they had a look to them that suggested there was nary a clever thought between them. That thought gave him pause. Perhaps that was why his uncle wanted them. Their lack of smarts may have made them easier to manage. Hell, he had a smart horse and and its smarts made it kind of high strung. He'd had to negotiate with the damn thing for christsake. Bet Aurielle didn't have to deal with her sheep.

Speak of the devil! Who but the lady in question was trying to sneak up on him. "Sneaky, sneaky," he drawled with a lazy grin. "But ain't it against your code of chivalry or whatever to pounce from behind? I'm not saying it's cowardly or anything, just odd." She had an adorable murderous look on her face but Jupiter remained unfazed. She was just too damn cute; too girly and squishy looking. It was like getting pounced on by a kitten. Was she angry? Yeah. Did she mean business? Yeah. But could he really feel threatened by a sparkling babe with long locks? No, no he could not. Even her armor was precious.

Jupiter didn't resist her attempt to knock him over and chose instead to roll with it. He hit the ground hard - his neck stinging from her slash - but in an instant his lazy grin was back. Completely unafraid and determined to ham it up now, Jupiter flipped over onto his back so he could stare up at her. He quickly enthused, "Damn, girl, hitting like a boss! I dig it. It's sexy as fuck."

"You know honestly," he reached out to bat at her chest lazily with just enough force to push her back a smidgen if he connected so she could have a taste of how much stronger he was than her and how different the fight could be if he took her wrath seriously. "You surprised me! Fighting seems a bit beneath a proper lady. Dirty, you know? Kinda surprised you didn't sic your pussy on me." He made a 'oops' face as though his choice of wording had been a mistake and then said while jerking his head towards her cat companion, "I mean that pussy. I'm sure yours doesn't bite or anything weird like that."

Jupiter versus Aurielle for Dominance
Round One of Two
Age: 1+
Size:Extra Large
Build: Medium
Skills: Advanced Fighter
[Image: ZQdAdlz.png]

NOTE: this character is pretty on the outside but nothing but ugliness and innuendo on the inside. It's best to consider all threads with him rated 'M' regardless of the official tags.