
wish i had a river i could skate away on




Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
11-25-2019, 05:02 PM

As a yearling, Thalia had anticipated that she'd have all of this figured out by now. Part of her wished she could feel the way that Pyrrhic and some of the others did about the loss of their leader and the rubble he'd left in his wake. Pretending that this was simply something that had happened didn't give her any sense of relief, because she just didn't believe it. Somehow it felt painfully fair, a reminder of the way the Abraxas had strayed from the God, and a reminder of how little she herself had done despite being fully able to serve her God as He surely expected her to. She couldn't lean on her parents forever, and now that they were gone she growing even more painfully aware of that. "I know," she replied simply. She still felt Malleus had plenty of wisdom he could've imparted on the pack if he'd had more time, and likewise if her father had stuck around longer surely he could've given her more guidance. Thalia realized she was holding her breath then, and let out a low sigh. Her breath only stabilized as she moved to sit near Theory, her presence strangely comforting even despite the way she felt her own body grow tense as Theory leaned into her.

The contact seemed so natural, and yet the way she allowed herself to lean back into Theory's touch felt somehow contrived. It'd been a long while since she'd laid against either of her parents, and even with her siblings she'd never shown much outward affection. This was completely foreign to her, and she was hyper-aware of just how uncomfortable she was, fearing Theory might notice. The possibility of her pulling away seemed equally as nerve-wracking as the thought that she might move closer, and Thalia couldn't comprehend why both options seemed uncomfortable in their own respects. Instead of pressing closer or pulling away, she simply stayed still.. impossibly, painfully still, listening to Theory explain what she'd been up to.

"I came out this way.. sort of hoping I might find some hint of my parents here. Or either of my siblings." Imagining Dion going after their parents seemed a likely possibility in her mind, but she couldn't come up with any world where Saren would've gone so far from home, and the not knowing was hard for her to come to terms with. "I don't blame you for wanting to leave. Not at all." She knew she needed change - hanging around in the same space, doing nothing, seemed like the worst possible solution. "Part of me wants to start somewhere new, too. I wish our leader had a clearer vision of what he's going to do. I trust him, but..." But maybe she shouldn't. Thalia really wasn't sure who she ought to trust to lead them anymore, but she was beginning to realize she had to take control of her own future, regardless of what happened with the Empire.