
Digging myself Down Deeper



11-25-2019, 09:59 PM

So much had happened in what felt like so little time. She couldn't remember all of it, just the major bits and pieces. The start of it had been when she tried to fallow her mother and being so much smaller she fell behind. She remembered the volcano in the distance, the rumbles and shakes of the earth and the scary changes in the weather. Now she had ended up here, somewhere where nothing looked familiar and she was still completely alone. She was skinny, malnourished from lack of proper meals during this time. She didn't know how to hunt and there would only be a few times that she would be lucky enough to find a kill to scavenged off of. She missed her family and he was feeling very uncertain of the world around her anymore. Most of her time was spend observing and watching the world around her. Hidden away and watching with those bright green eyes.

With the change of season brought the bright sun and though it wasn't bad yet, she was beginning to feel her skin's sensitivity to the bright ball in the sky. So she hid herself carefully within the shade and continued to pass her time with observing the world around her. She could say one thing positive about all this, the knowledge she was gaining was spectacular. Mentally she was being stimulated and it helped to numb the loneliness. It helped to make her days pass by and even forget her hunger at times. It was a healthy way for her to pass the time and keep her mind from focusing on the fact she was lost, she was hungry, and that she feared she would never find home again. It made her forget the cruel mishaps in her life, her parents disappearance and the emotions she felt from it.

Today she had an interesting view from her shade tree. Not far from her grazed a large herd of Guar. The beasts were huge even with the safe distance she had from them. Her green eyes watched as they grazed, looking over each individual within the herd. Some where smaller then others, which she safely assume they were younger. She watched their behavior and how they reacted to one another. Then her eyes spotted the lead cow, the matriarch of the herd who was keeping a watchful eye for danger. The herd was present for a long while, but slowly they disappeared into the distance and she was once again alone.
