
A cure for apathy

for Beat



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
11-29-2019, 04:01 PM
It was a shame he seemed so bothered by his supposed curse. It wasn't the sort of thing Asvor thought did anyone any good to dwell on for very long, and she knew plenty of things that would help take a wolf's mind off such things. It was one of her own ways of coping. More than once she'd wondered if she ought to open up to Valdis about her own fears and worries, but it seemed an unnecessary burden to lay on her when she had more than enough to occupy her mind.

Either way, this boy didn't seem as though he really believed what she was saying. Once she might've gotten defensive over his disbelief but she was too old to care now, and she merely shrugged, indifferent despite his standoffish demeanor. "I'm Asvor," she introduced herself freely. A small shrug of her shoulders forced her snake companion to shift from her position, no longer coiled quickly as tightly around her neck now. "And her name's Jormungandr. Not much of a talker, I'm afraid," Asvor chuckled lowly, shaking her head. Occasionally she got a few simple words out of the viper but those times were few and far between, especially in the presence of strangers.

She raised a brow as she got a better look at him, deciding that he most definitely looked like utter hell, but reminding him of that wouldn't do much good - not if he was fully aware of it in the first place and resigned to doing absolutely nothing about it. "Here," she suggested lightly after a moment, and as if on command Jormungandr uncoiled even further, dropping something to Asvor's side in the process. Asvor leaned down to nose the small cluster of dried mushrooms, sniffing gingerly at the few that remained before carefully picking one piece up between her front teeth and swallowing it down, wincing slightly at the earthen taste. "Help yourself. It'll most likely make you feel better. Or, at the very least, make you forget all about that curse of yours for a few minutes. I'd start small though." Or.. maybe he'd have a particularly bad trip and the curse would feel even more real, more threatening and overwhelming, but there was no real way to tell and the truth was that she didn't care either way, not really.