



5 Years
07-28-2013, 03:26 PM

Gretel was exhausted to say the least, she limped badly, her left back paw lifted off of the ground. Her other injuries were lesser; a few half healed scratches covered her muzzle and shoulders. It was just her damned back paw that refused to get any better and despite spring?s attempts to bring warmth to this area the tundra itself seemed to be have a stronger hold and the weather had only barley began to get warmer. The good thing was that the mountain helped to block the blowing wind. Gretel snarled quietly as she stumbled; her back paw flaring painfully when it brushed the ground. It was evident to the female that she needed to find a place to rest, somewhere she could lay down and try to get a better look at the damage. Determined as she was to find her brother, she would be no good to him if she pushed herself any harder.

Gretel spotted the tiny entrance and a moment later was hit with the stench of freshly spilt blood, no doubt it was deer. Gretel began to salivate, it had been too long since her last meal, certainly it had been before she and her brother had been attacked. Despite her better judgement, which was telling her that should she find the wolf responsible for the kill they would not be very happy to share, Gretel entered the cavern, following the scent. It was overwhelming within the cavern and she only took a step before her eyes adjusted and she found herself looking at a bloody paw print trail. Once again she went against her better judgement and followed it a bit before finding herself standing right in front of the strange female upon the ground.

"Speech," Thought, You
Lineart © to golden-wolfox on deviantart