
Forever Stuck in Our Youth




6 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-02-2019, 03:44 AM

He'd been cooped up for so long in his den thanks to the growing pains from the antlers that had been sprouting from his head. But now that they were done growing, he hesitantly emerged into the open while secretly hoping nobody was around to see him yet. He wasn't sure how to feel about his new antlers...though they did prove to be useful for hunting so far, he felt embarrassed that he even had them to begin with. What would his sister think? He hadn't seen her since they started growing in. The headaches and the pain he had while they were sprouting made it hard to want to do anything but sleep it off. But he was. Slowly peering into each room to see if he could find his sister. After his mother had told him that dad had left...he desperately wanted to seek her out to both see how she was doing, and for his own comfort. He hoped she didn't think he had abandoned her, too. Did mom tell her he was just going through something? That he was sick and couldn't come out to play? He dreaded the thought that she might be mad at him for not seeing her for what felt like forever...

He had somewhat picked up her scent, but he couldn't quite tell if she was nearby or not. Instead, he found an old abandoned cabin that seemed to hold a very stale scent of his father, and even some things their father had been working on it seemed. Curious, the youth decided to investigate further. There were some old pelts and bones among other little trinkets sitting on the old musty bed, and as he nosed them he accidentally dislodged something that clattered to the ground and rolled under the bed. Muttering to himself, he stuck his head under to grab it, but when he pulled back, he realized he had gotten himself stuck. He struggled and started to panic, paws scrabbling against the wood and shoulders and head bumping against the wood as he tried and tried to free himself to no avail. Tired, he slumped to the ground and tried to think of a way to free himself.
