
From the Northern Reaches

Torin - Intellect prompt



7 Years
Extra large
12-02-2019, 10:14 AM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2019, 12:10 AM by Torin.)

I've learned to slam on the break before I even turn the key,
before I make the mistake,
before I lead with the worst of me.

Torin had been returning more and more to the packlands, his children were getting antsy. They all wanted to return very badly and he couldn't blame them. He was tempted to start bringing the pack back themselves but he knew if he did so they'd need to be better prepared, better stocked.

Lirim had never been a particularly rich pack. They lived on land that easily provided them with all they needed but they hardly ever hoarded their resources. That had something to do with simply being smaller, it was easier to keep your stores up but not overflowing when there was only ever a few wolves who used them. At the very least with the weather still deathly cold they'd need something to line their dens with if they were to return... and while Torin was certain Derecho would do all she could to provide those much needed furs she was the only fully trained hunter in the pack now that her uncle... Torin didn't want to think on Frostbite. The man's passing had struck him hard but he'd had no time to mourn. Frostbite had been there in so many ways no one else had for the young alpha. He'd relied on him and even when the man had retired Torin had hoped to be able to turn to him for advice for years to come, but now. Well now Torin was truly alone with his burden. He knew his father would offer to help when he could but with Zell also getting on in years and the toll the eruption had taken on the man Torin was hesitant to put too much on his father.

These thoughts mired his mind when he caught wind of a visitor. The borders had only been maintained infrequently since they'd gone to the island and he felt his skin prickle with anxiety. But as he approached those fears calmed. The woman that stood at his borders was both respecting the boundary but also considerably older. He noted she was clearly laden with items however and movement in the sky told him she wasn't wholly alone.

Torin approached with all the dignity and authority he could muster, his tail and head high and he stopped a respectful distance from the woman. "Greetings, I am Torin. Dux of Lirim, what brings here?" He noted her scent was that of another pack, it tickled his memory but Torin was certain he hadn't actually stopped there before... His curiosity was piqued, what could this visitor want?

WC: 421

"Silent treatment" & Deep thoughts

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Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3