



07-28-2013, 05:57 PM

Her head rested upon her massive paws. A ravaged tongue slithered across bloody fangs. A bit of fawn fur was stuck upon the back of her neck and she could not get it off. She sat up and attempted to scratch it off with her hind paw but couldn't. The demoness shrugged and flopped back down on the ground. She laid limp. The girl did not move even the slightest bit. Her fur flicked about here and there from the breeze that flowed into the cavern. She was not asleep, but she was not really .. aware.

She smelled the woman coming. Her wet nose flicked about. A creepy little smile flicked across her muzzle. She loved visitors. She sensed how close the follower was. The Wolf probably smelled the fawn blood and came running. Scavengers.. She sensed the woman was close, very close. The footsteps came to a stop and Canttina staid completely still. After a few moments the behemoth jumped to her paws in an instant. She had practiced this move many times. She fell upon her paws and stared at the oddly marked fae. The woman she saw was nearly an abomination. Her face was raven black and the rest of her body was white except for a few bits. Canttina went wide eyed and tilted her head for a moment. Though, despite her rather horrid fur the woman was a beauty. In Canttinas head, of course.

She licked her blood caked muzzle and smiled. A smile that would haunt a childs nightmares. "Oh you are just darling." Her voice was a purr but etched with a darkness that was much more powerful. She rolled her battered shoulders and smiled even more. "I have no doubt you have come for the meat. Though you are only getting Fawn if you tear open this belly. Which wont be happening. You could always have fun with me!" She slithered to the side of the woman and walked past her. It was more of a sauntered lurk then anything. She yawned and snapped her jaw shut. "The name is.." She hopped up and spun around to face the mystery woman. "Canttina." She winked and smirked.


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