
the future is ready to shine




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
12-03-2019, 08:41 PM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2019, 08:41 PM by Corvus.)

It was hard, sometimes, to remind himself that the future was bright when the past oftentimes felt bleak. Corvus knew that he had it better than some wolves did, but it was hard to shake that angst that seemed to settle over him so naturally sometimes. It was early, and the day was young - he knew he shouldn't start it off by feeling gloomy, and luckily for him it seemed Twig was all about shaking up those dreary thoughts to make way for something new, and her attitude was a welcome distraction. He found himself grinning lightly as she moved closer, appreciating the company even if he wasn't totally sure how to take her friendliness. It was all good, right? Right, he would tell himself.

She voiced that they needed to change his lack of leisure activities, and he felt his ears flatten slightly, uncertain what she was about to suggest. Had he been doing this pack thing all wrong? Focusing too much on his duties and shortcomings? There was some time for fun, of course, but he realized suddenly he might be spending too much of it away from home. Maybe it was time to start finding things to do around here and shake things up a bit.

But running? He wasn't so sure about that. Though, he knew the way a good hunt got his blood boiling was rewarding, surely running wasn't much different? "You like to run?" He asked lightly, thinking back to the recent hunt that the two of them and Brandr had embarked on. She'd certainly fit in with their little group quite well. He raised a brow, finding her playful mood more contagious than he had expected. "Yeah, why not. Say when," Corvus suggested, twisting away from her to make a pose as if ready to take off, wondering how far across the island they'd make it before he ran out of breath... he had a feeling he wouldn't make it quite as far as she would.