
New Glaciem Meeting!



07-28-2013, 06:36 PM

The howl would be a bawl of forged conquest, a drawling and melodious chime that would shatter the spines of the wary and dilate the pores of the elated. Colossal paws would weight-shift as pride fluctuated through vigorous veins, sinew swaying atop his burden as the imaginary wings of the magnificent angel would begin to unfold around his rosy form. The fallen pine of which he stood would rise above the sallow world around him, an illusion of gold beginning to coil twisting grain of deceased wood, the same brilliant vibrancy of the golden bangles that curved pallid elbows. He was a King, the centre of a growing empire, and it were not simply his title and crown that would confirm such a claim; oh no, the creature was a burning ember of regality, the prime image of physical wealth as he towered above the monuments of his future, gazing the province he would guard with his very life.

Bring them to him, bring all his people and any else who wish to imprudently offer their services; let them fall into the jaws of his snare, a snare that would grant them eternal safety in the greatest kingdom Alacritis would ever see. Bring women and men alike, males to be the servants of his children, to feed the whelping and cure the ill. And women to build his prophecy, to satisfy him with young and swell their beings with purpose. He would stand upon his illusive tower with intention, impatience. The aura of his splendor stretching for the heavens that enveloped him, cherry nostrils quivering with eager intention as the first inclination of company would trigger forth the wry smirk of his parody character.

ooc; only reply if you wish to join, Isardis WILL force claim. <3