
run from me




8 Years
12-04-2019, 08:36 PM

Caution radiated from the small babe's monochromatic form. Hauntingly pale eyes poured into he dazzling emeralds. It was rare a Wolf in Ashen was not of blood or of close relation. Hannibal was so horribly comfortable in the confines of his family's territory that having someone of rank feel so foreign was an odd sensation. Affection and free speech would not happen so naturally with an outsider. Such was proven as Io decided against his request and sat a polite distance away. Hannibal would have been pained by the display but a sense of understanding washed over him. It was evident that he was not dealing with some vixen like his ex-mate. Io seemed to have boundaries and the albino would patiently respect them.

As the title was given the regal ghoul dipped his head down in a gracious bow. Ambassador. It was an interesting rank for a healer but it was likely due to having additional skills. As Hannibal's head raised more baritone vocals fell from eager jaws, "Tis' truly an honor, Iolaire Akeldama." Repeating the name as she had spoken it to engrave it into his mind. Connecting her face to the name and vice versa. A habit the beast had formed from a young age while meeting many diplomats and important Wolves.

Attention turned to the injured limb. Eyes flicked down to his limb then to the gal as she moved closer. When she went in for a sniff he raised the leg slightly to make it easier. A nod was given in response to her explanation. "Do as you please." Hannibal placed his paw on the earth lightly and remained still so she could inspect the injury as needed. The northern native who had nursed him to good health had done a good job and the break was healing fine. But, due to his travels he had put too much wear and tear on it. With time it was sure to heal but the pain was still rather bothersome.

Hannibal glanced down to the herbs before him and raised a brow, "What is that mixture?" A pointed question to discover each ingredient. With Riva's help he had found out he was allergic to coconut. In the off chance Io had it mixed in somewhere he'd want to be hesitant about consuming the herbs.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.