
run from me




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-05-2019, 03:56 AM

The mans sincere words as he spoke her name brought one silver brow arching upwards. A soft chuckle rumbled up from the small lady's chest and she spoke as she began to inspect his leg. "You don't need to butter me up, Hannibal. I'm quite informal, even with your sister." As he placed the injured limb before her, the woman began to manipulate the limb, gauging its range of motion, its resistance and its over all strength. The dark woman continued to speak as she worked. "I appreciate being candid more than masks and pleasantries." A slight shrug was given. "If that's the way you naturally are, however, then carry on." She was simply letting him know that he didn't have to pretend if he didn't want to.

Settling back, the diminutive woman was within much closer range this time. She could smell the deep maleness of him and she quite appreciated the scent. It had been a long time since she'd even been around a male other than her brother, let alone had sex with one. Alas, she'd already caused enough tension by sleeping with Deathbelle. Pity.

Having placed a few items in front of the man, he questioned what they were. Iolaire appreciated that. Most simply just ate what was offered and that was that. "White willow bark for pain," she pointed to one bit. "You eat that separately." Pulling out a small stone dish from her pack, the dame began mashing the other items together with a smear of honey to help it go down. "Turmeric, ginger, green tea and thyme to help with inflammation. The honey makes it taste better and has healing properties of its own." Having sufficiently mashed the concoction together, Io slid the bowl forward to sit before the man. He could ingest it at his leisure.

Her job complete for the time being, the dainty wolf slid forelegs outward to lay upon her stomach. A thick, foxlike tail curled around one slender hip. "No doubt your family will be glad to have you back. There are quite a few that could benefit from your presence. Not to mention it will be nice to add to the male pool. Swimming in women, let me tell you." Amusement sent those two-toned eyes glittering. Would he engage in friendly banter or would he abstain? They were learning one another with each word spoken.

Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.