
run from me




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-05-2019, 03:49 PM

The mans response to her mask comment brought her green and gold gaze up to meet his own odd eyes. An amused grin tugged at the corners of the woman's dark maw. "Darling, if you knew about my upbringing you wouldn't worry about dropping that mask. There is no horror that I haven't seen." It was true. Her father had been a demon. He was a nightmare to his kingdom. Any perverse depravity that the mind could conjure, she'd witnessed, been a part of, or had run from. She was probably one of the few wolves that could see and understand such acts. That being said, she continued. "Your leg has healed well. You'll be back to one hundred percent in no time. Just keep off of it as much as you can. No strenuous activity." She felt like a broken record. She'd told Sirius the same so many times now...

Having sprawled comfortably upon the sandy earth, Iolaire shrugged out of her heavy pack. She nosed into the pack before pushing it away and placed a chunk of dried oxen before Hannibal. "Best to eat with herbs lest they upset your stomach." The honey would help with that, but she was a bit hungry, so why not sup together? The small woman held her chunk of dried meat between dainty paws and tore off a strip, which she promptly consumed.

Obsidian ears flicked forward, catching each syllable that the man uttered. Even his voice was pleasing. He wasn't bothered by being surrounded by females. Well, neither was she. He admitted that the Kleins were stubborn, basically and Io nodded in acceptance. "I can see that." Though Deathbelle was a kitten around her, she could imagine the woman being quite stubborn when necessary. Hannibal then asked if she was close with his sister and Io couldn't help the flash of pristine white teeth as she grinned. "You could say that. We're very good friends." With a chuckle and one silver brow arched, she asked in return, "Are you quite close with your sister?" The implied meaning was very obvious. With how much he poured sexuality forth, she imagined that he might very well have some sexual attraction to his sibling. She wouldn't judge. Iolaire saw nothing wrong with it.

Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.