
From the Northern Reaches

Torin - Intellect prompt



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-05-2019, 10:06 PM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2019, 10:07 PM by Avalon.)
The breeze brushed through her fur and the thermals sent Tan rising steadily higher as she maintained her position over the old she-wolf. They both investigated the borders in their own way with Avalon noting the lack of upkeep and pack scent and Tan noticing the lack of bodies. Of course, it was still somewhat clear a pack lived here...or used to. Perhaps it was one of many taking refuge elsewhere during the volcanic activity. She only hoped her journey hadn't been for nothing, otherwise she'd have to return home empty handed with all this gear and she wasn't sure she wanted to return so soon and feeling disappointed. But a soft call from above alerted her to an approach and when she lifted her head she spotted the gray tones of a younger male approaching over the horizon.

She stood as tall as her old body would allow and nodded her head in greeting and respect to the alpha that arrived. "Hello Torin, it's a pleasure to meet you. I am Avalon, an Elder from the northern pack, Winterfell. I've come by to see how your pack was faring and perhaps discuss a bit of trade if you have some time to spare?" She didn't really want to dawdle and draw things out unnecessarily. He smelled of young pups and she didn't want to keep him for long and she wanted to try and get back home before dark fell over the lands.

It was then that her companion flew down and landed on the ground beside her and released the clutch of fur samples carefully on the ground. Likewise, Avalon lowered her body and let the pack she borrowed slide to the ground as well before rolling her shoulders and neck. She winced slightly when she felt a pop in her shoulder, but she simply chalked that up to her carrying a pack full of things around. "Excuse me, I just need to set this down for a minute or two." Her tone was apologetic as she sighed and offered a soft smile.

WC: 345


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