
Miss Mysterious

Aurielle||Intellect Prompt


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-06-2019, 03:44 AM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2019, 04:05 AM by Acere.)
The Northern King inspected the wall before him while he waited for Aurielle to arrive, and it seemed the pale alphess didn't keep him waiting. As she approached, he listened to the question she asked him. “Acere. It’s good to see you well. Is all well in the north?” He nodded to her in both greeting and answering her question but kept a straight face and avoided smiling. The North had been fortunate enough not to have been severely affected by the eruption but half the lands south of his seemed to have been affected greatly from what he had seen and heard so far. "Yes, we were fortunate to have no casualties nor many difficulties surrounding the eruption. At best we have some tremors and colder weather, but nothing we can't handle." He paused for a moment before continuing. "And Valhalla? How do you fare?" His question was posed in such a way that it could either mean her pack, her, or both. He didn't expect her to tell him of her trouble since he wasn't one to exactly pry into someone else's personal life, especially that of another alphas unless, of course, it affected him and his own. But the ball was in her court for her to answer as she saw fit.

When the movement of her companion on the wall caught his eye, he briefly turned to Ayodele and offered a nod of greeting before returning his attention back to her. His companions, of course, were interested and approached the wall to get a closer look. They were no strangers to big cats considering they had spent some time with Dragons companions and that of Dragons son. So while the mountain lion was a common creature in their lives, the lemur on the wall was something new. When the pair rose onto hind paws to reach curiously towards the lemur, Ace cleared his throat and motioned for them to return to his side. Giggling, they did as they were bid with kid-like grins on their faces. "Heh, sorry dad!" He shook his head before shooting an apologetic look to the shimmering alphess and promptly answered her question. "I wanted to bring a gift as thanks for inviting us to your last festival. And, of course, an array of items I offer for trade since I was ill prepared for it during your festival. Provided you're interested, of course."

Lumi stepped forward and pulled from her pack a marble pendant in the shape of a wolf's fang threaded onto a leather cord and she held it for the alphess. "We made this from a piece of marble found in the riverbed near our lands. You're not obligated to wear it if you so choose of course. My two kids here think it'll look nice on you and perhaps compliment your fur.." He winked and grinned, an obvious compliment towards her unusual (but pretty) fur.

WC: 487