


07-28-2013, 07:16 PM

Wolf of the month

-- Eos

- Loooooove her. I mean, I would totally be like, haha Syrinx I'ma make yo wumman love me if I was a wolf. But I is not c; Then Syrinx would probably eat me.... Hummm.

Couple of the month


-Totally in love with this pair. They amuse me so.

Member of the month


Staff of the month


Thread of the month


OOC most liklies

most likely to spree


most likely to get excited


most likely to help

- Lutara <3 She's so helpful!

most likely to come to the rescue


most likely to attack newbies

Well we tend to mass attack them... but, Lut, is sometimes rather attackable.

most like to do a flying ninja kick barrel roll to assasinate their worst enemy

-- Can I say me? Cause thats a pretty badass way to assasinate someone, and where do you people come up with this shiz?

IC most liklies

most likely to be a couple


most likely to be the best mom


most likely to be the worst mom

-- Cataleya

most likely to be the best dad

--Gargoyle. <3

most likely to be the worst dad

-- Can I say Creedance? Prolly not, but I dun know many of the others yet :3 So ignore this c;

most likely to be the cutest kid


most likely to be the biggest pain in the derriere

--- Again.. I can't vote for Creedance... but yeah, he's an arse.

most likely to be the best leader


most likely to shake things up


most likely to win a fight

most likely to defend

most likely to cheat on their signifigant other

most likely to be devoted